The Call to Ministry


Feeling an urge to consider ministry as a vocation, but unsure what that means? You are not alone.






Upcoming Events

August 9-11, 2024 - Candidacy Summit

This event is for persons in the candidacy process, who have already talked with their D.S. about entering the process. The weekend will include an introduction to the conference, worship, spiritual formation, psychological evaluations, peer groups with mentors, etc.

Register Here


Steps to Ministry

Is God calling you?

God calls everyone to love and serve God. God calls some for licensed or ordained ministry. These steps serve two purposes; they help you to deepen your own understanding of your call, and they help us to know you and be a part of your discernment process to be a certified candidate in the United Methodist Church.

View a detailed checklist for candidacy from discerning a call to licensing or ordination at the button below.

View the Guide


Culture of Call Sermon Series
This sermon series toolkit equips leaders to have more robust conversations about call beyond vocational ministry by helping believers of all ages find meaning, purpose and belonging in their lives.

Culture of Call with Rev. Molly Moore
In this two-part teaching, Rev. Molly Moore shares how you can cultivate an organic culture of call at your local church and how we can encourage listening to God's call at all ages.

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts with Rev. Molly Moore
Spiritual gifts are sometimes considered mystifying, complicated and hard to understand. Yet, learning about how God has uniquely equipped and gifted each of us is a step towards understanding our calling as God’s children and how we are called as kingdom workers on earth. In two short videos, Rev. Molly Moore offers a short teaching on the SHAPE method for discerning your spiritual gifts and the GRASP model for discovering your God-given purpose.

Books Related to General Call, Discernment and Vocation
A list of books to help with your discernment process.

Books Related to United Methodism and Clergy Roles
A list of books specifically related to United Methodism and clergy roles in the denomination to help with your discernment process.

The Call to Ministry Web Resources
Online resources to explore as you discern your call.


Call Stories

How were you called into ministry? Lay and clergy people around Missouri tell how God spoke into their lives and called them to the ministry.

Hear Call Stories